Memento Flori Pricing
In order to meet all your needs as you navigate the difficulties of the death of a loved one, we provide a wide range of services. From coordinating virtual events to ensuring secure access to your flower,
you’re in good hands here.
Our Packages

Orchid Memento
Price: 5 CyberTokens/mo

Lilium Memento
Price: 12 CyberTokens/mo

Rose Memento
Price: 25 CyberTokens/mo
What’s Included
3 visitors per month
Messaging Option
(1 CyberToken)
Visitor’s memories Option
(1 CyberToken)
20 visitors per month
Messaging and visitor’s memories
Unlimited visitors
Messaging and visitor’s memories
Optional Side Nook
(3 CyberTokens)
Orchid Memento
Lilium Memento
Rose Memento
5-Year plan*
Upload up to 250GB
Original Memento flower
10-Year plan*
Upload up to 1000GB
Original Memento flower
25-Year plan*
Unlimited Space
Customized Memento flower
*Once the period for your plan is over, your flower will be erased for all eternity unless your plan is renewed.
Add On's
Looking for something more? Our add on options can make your flower even more special and unique. Honor your loved ones by customizing their space with one of our great interactive options.
Ancestors Package
Create a family garden.
Connect flowers from your
loved ones and build a
network of memories.
Choose from 1-hour to unlimited time with a life-like version of your loved one. This avatar will resemble and interact with you as the real person would have.
Memory virtualization
Don’t have space at home or lost a very important object that belonged to your loved one?
We'll virtualize any special items and bring them to your Memento space.
If you'd like to book an additional service, please contact us for an individual quote.